Wednesday, January 16, 2008

First Aid for Dealing with Stress

Encourage your employees to take the following measures when they feel stress taking over—
  • Make the most of workday breaks. Even ten minutes of “personal time” will refresh your mental outlook.
  • Take a brief walk, chat with a coworker about a non-job topic, or simply sit quietly with your eyes closed and breathe.
  • If you feel angry, walk away. Mentally regroup by counting to 10, then look at the situation again
  • Walking and other physical activities can help you work off steam. Don’t expect perfection of yourself. Talk to your boss about your job description. The responsibilities and criteria for measuring your effectiveness may not accurately reflect what you are doing.
  • Work with other employees to make needed changes. This will not only benefit your emotional and physical health, but also improve the organization’s overall productivity.
Source: American Psychological Association

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